Vinyl – Fabric Hood Cleaning & Protection
Fabric Hood Cleaning & Protection
Soft tops on cabriolet cars need Fabric Hood Cleaning & Protection to look after them at least once a year at the very minimum, twice yearly would be ideal as this is the recommendation to keep them in fantastic condition.
One of the biggest issues with cabriolet cars especially if they are not cleaned on a regular basis is a build up of Green mould, it gets in the stitching and right around the edges of fabric hood. Once it get into the fabric it can take quite a lot of time & effort to remove even by the most experienced Valeters. Not to mention the soiling, stains from bird lime plus other contamination that finds itself on the fabric of your hood.
If your soft top or fabric hood is heavily soiled, then you may be surprised to know it may need cleaning 5 times or more to remove the soiling & green mould growing around the seams & edges & on the roof itself.
Unfortunately there is no quick way to clean the fabric. Once your Fabric Hood or soft top has been cleaned it needs protecting to keep it weather proof.
We will hoover & scrub your fabric hood prior to the protection being added. Once dried we will repeat the processes until your soft top looks like new again. Only then is the protection applied. Once on the vehicle the vehicle should not be driven until it has completely dried, preferably overnight and it must be protected from getting wet.
G & G Mobile Valeting will then protect your fabric hood for you which will give it protection against the British weather.
Fabric Hood Cleaning

Vinyl Fabric Hood Cleaning & Protection
Vinyl Hood cleaning, we can clean your vinyl hood and make it look like new again. We will scrub and shampoo the hood thoroughly before we condition it, which will give it that new look.

Please note: All vehicles must be emptied of personal possessions prior to our arrival. Luggage area cleaned (if empty) & heavily soiled vehicles may be subject to a surcharge agreed prior to valet.
We run a fair Car Cleaning Prices policy offering bespoke prices to clients.
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G & G Mobile, Specialist Valeting: